Monday, September 8, 2008

But it's a dry heat...

We spent last week in Vegas and we had a blast. Give me the dry heat of Vegas over the humid heat of NC any day. My make-up didn't melt off in three minutes, my hair didn't frizz as soon as I left the air conditioning, and I wasn't sweating like the proverbial pig (do pigs really sweat that much?) after a short walk between hotels.

We have a ton of pictures that I'll hopefully be able to post tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll leave you with these tidbits from our trip: We toured Hoover Dam, saw two of the fountain shows at the Bellagio, attended a Cirque du Soleil show, and oh yeah, a woman was stabbed to death in the lobby of our hotel the morning we left.

Good times...

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