Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving: Part I

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Ours - all three of them - were very nice this year although only one of them, the first one with my family, was a traditional one.

We always do dinner with my sisters, their families, and my mom the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We gather at Bri's house for what is usually a late-ish dinner and just hanging out. This year, we had typical Thanksgiving sides, but we did grilled chicken breasts instead of turkey or ham. Bri, Shannon, and my mom did a wonderful job of getting everything ready. I also get a check mark for my contributions - spinach dip for an appetizer and a delicious pumpkin cream praline pie (recipe coming soon) for dessert.

While the final preparations were underway, Lyla and Owen were busy playing and showing off for us newcomers. Owen found a pair of Lyla's shoes that he just HAD to try on.

Then he and Lyla rocked out at the piano for a bit.

They sat at Lyla's little picnic table for dinner.

Lyla's dinner consisted of three rolls, but Owen ate a slightly more varied meal - mashed potatoes, corn, and a roll. See?

Lyla goes to a half-day preschool a couple days a week and last week they talked about what they were thankful for. So Bri asked Lyla the same question.

Bri: "Lyla, what are you thankful for?"
Lyla: "Not Owen."

She said it with sass like only a two-year-old can. We're not sure where it came from, but it was hilarious. Out of the mouths of babes all right.

After dinner, we played upstairs. Lyla and Owen each took a ride on the rocking horse. You might notice that Owen's in another pair of Lyla's shoes. I think he caught the shoe bug from his Gma. But look at that face. Does it not say, "Yeah, I'm wearing pink shoes. And?"

Lyla demonstrated her musical, uh, talents at Nate's drums.

After a bath during which Owen dumped a bucket of water on an unsuspecting and soon-to-be bath-phobic Lyla, we - Shannon, Bri, mom, the kids, and me - played in the guest room. I forget what Lyla and I were talking about, but it looks like it must've been serious.

Once the kids were in bed, we ended the evening with dessert (my pumpkin pie and Bri's Triple Chocolate Pecan Pie) and a special on plastic surgery gone wrong. I'm sure no one will be surprised to know that Heidi Montag was featured.

So that was our traditional Thanksgiving. Honestly, it didn't matter where we were or what we ate, I was just happy to be there with everyone. If Bri had asked me what I was thankful for this year, I simply would've said, "Being with you guys."

1 comment:

Gma said...

Family and good food... plenty to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!