Friday, November 2, 2018

Halloween 2018: Pumpkin Shaving

Connor was so excited to "shave" our pumpkins this year.  I guess "carve" just isn't a word he hears very much so he got it into his head that it was shave and he couldn't get past it to learn carve. Okay by me, I love that 2018 was the year we shaved the pumpkins.
The McHusband and Connor got started while Austin was napping.

After I fed Austin a most nutritious lunch of ravioli, he joined in the shaving fun.

The first pumpkin and its proud creators.

Connor had taken it upon himself to clean the pumpkin and Austin, in true monkey-see/monkey-do fashion, also had to do some pumpkin scrubbing.

Then it was time to take the pumpkins down to the hay bales at the end of the driveway.  With our house so far back and behind trees in addition to the fact that we don't get any trick-or-treaters, it makes no sense to decorate the front porch.  Luckily we had leftover hay from planting grass seed so I was able to set up a little something closer to the street.

I love how excited Austin is in this picture.
Connor couldn't wait to put candles in his pumpkins and transform them into jack o'lanterns.  He even dressed for the occasion in his glow-in-the-dark skeleton pajamas.
Connor was pretending to be a zombie. 

I love my little spider pumpkin holder.  Even if we don't get around to any pumpkin shaving, at least one pumpkin will be ready for Halloween. 
Actual Halloween celebration up next!  And by "next," I mean soon...ish.  Definitely before Christmas.


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