Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Sunday was my 32nd birthday.


I don't know what I expected 32 to feel like. Twenty years ago, I'm sure I thought 32 was OOOOOOOOLD. Ten years ago, it was an age I didn't think about because it was just soooo far off.

Now I have to plug "32" into the machines at the Y so that they can accurately calculate my calorie burn. I wonder if it'll make a difference...? Other than that, this birthday didn't have much effect on me. I'm really not hung up on my age. Having a younger McHusband'll do that to you.

Sunday was pretty routine: cereal for breakfast, TV, laundry, exercise, some cleaning, a home-cooked dinner with my hubby. I normally go to a spinning class at the Y on Sundays but the Y was closed for Easter. Instead, I went to my friend Heather's neighborhood and ran 6.5 miles. I made the mistake of not getting started until 11:30 with the sun high overhead and the humidity at a summertime level (ahhh, you gotta love "spring" in NC) so I wasn't feeling "it" and couldn't finish the 8 miles I really want to do. Oh well.

The McHusband got me the cycling shoes I asked for as well as a Subway gift card. I eat lunch at Subway on Wednesdays. It's the only day I eat out for lunch. Did you know they offer a mini? It's not that much smaller than a 6" sandwich, but it takes about $2 off the price of my turkey combo.

I'll get to try out my new shoes tomorrow night during my spinning class. Keep your fingers crossed that I remember I'm clipped into the pedals and don't try to get off the bike like I used to...

Even though Sunday felt like any ordinary day, I had a table full of cards to remind me that it wasn't.

Bri's card came with bling and much fewer calories than the cupcakes that've been in my kitchen lately.

I have to share the card my dad sent. It made me laugh and then I immediately took it out to the garage to share with the McHusband.

And on the inside:

The McHusband made dinner for us. He'd bought a Bird's Eye frozen teriyaki stirfry meal and we decided to give that a try for dinner. It was actually really good. It was just veggies, noodles, and sauce and we decided it'd be good to have some chicken with it next time.

I had dinner with some girlfriends last week on Thursday, a group of us went to dinner and a movie on Saturday, I had a birthday lunch with work yesterday, and I have one last (but definitely not least!) birthday lunch this Thursday.

Yeah, I definitely need to put those cycling shoes to good use with all this celebrating...

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