Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween III

When we moved in, there was what was essentially decorative fencing on the side of the house.  We didn’t want it up, but we didn’t want to get rid of it – you just never know when you’re going to need a short picket fence.  So it got moved to the back of the shed and essentially forgotten until this year when I pulled two pieces out and  painted them black.  I was originally thinking that they’d go at the end of the driveway, but they ended up by the front walk.  I think next year I’ll paint two more pieces and go with the end of the driveway.  Cuz nothin’ says “Welcome!” like black fences, right?


Actually, this fence does say “Welcome.”


Before the kids got to the fence, they had to get past the hanging skeletons.

And as they made their way to the front door, they encountered a couple little creatures…




I hung black curtains and put spider webs on the windows.  I used several of my big spiders on the railing and columns.





A couple more creatures on the front porch…



I used my fog machine on Halloween night.  I love it in conjunction with my head-in-a-ball because the head is motion activated.  So when the fog shoots out of the machine, it makes the head dispense his wisdoms.  Most kids thought it was pretty cool.


Sorry I don’t have any action shots of the fog and head doing their schtick or any nighttime photos.  Sheesh, what kind of blog am I trying to run here anyway?

Hopefully I’ll have the last Halloween post for you tomorrow: Cowgirl 2.0 and some VERY yummy treats.

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