Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010: Part III

Did you think I forgot that I owed you guys yet MORE Christmas details plus pictures from the McHusband's first white birthday?

Over at the McHouse, Santa left Chase a...shoot, I can't remember what it's called. You turn the steering wheel back and forth pretty quickly and it scissors you forward. And guess what? It's rated for up to, like, 250 pounds so Aunt Best took a spin on it. But not until Chase had his turn.

Clear the way, I'm comin' through!

Too bad it snowed the next day cuz this sucker would've been fun to ride outside.

We got Chase some wooden train tracks to go with the Thomas trains we got him for his birthday, and he also opened some Thomas books.

The McHusband made himself a holiday drink and once he was done with it, he was more ready for an afternoon nap than opening presents.

Guess what the McMom, Chase, and Leah all got? Aprons and a bib from my mom. I promise, the McMom was happier with her gift than she looks.

Leah modeling her new hat.

And helping me open my gifts. I love how we're both looking at the McMom in the second picture.

I think that's when she opened up the oil filter for the truck. That got everyone's attention. We're still not sure how the filter ended up wrapped and to the McMom from the McDad...

When we were done opening gifts, I actually did take a shower and get myself cleaned up. Sure it was almost 5:00 but better late than never, right? Or maybe not when there're three cameras, several Facebook accounts, and one blog to consider.

While I got myself dressed, Leah got herself undressed. I think Jenny did it to keep Leah awake but I can't really remember.

I love Leah's deer-in-the-headlights (a.k.a. camera-flash-in-the-face) look in this picture.

I can't forget about our kids. They had a good Christmas, too.

Morgan enjoyed squeezing herself into Brewster's bed. Anyone else hearing, "Fat guy in a little coat..."?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a plasma car! Back when you were a youngster, they had basically the same toy and it was called a Roller Racer -- you can google it if you want. Wish I had kept one of those like I did the PacMan snow saucers that got used on Ryan's white BD!! I think the Roller Racers got sold for $5 in a garage sale before moving into this house! The pendulum swings... and some of us just keep stuff for when it does!!! McMom