Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shannon's Shower

I went to Shannon's baby shower yesterday. The hostesses, Amy and Kim, did a great job of keeping things sweet and simple with a few traditional games and some munchies before Shannon opened her gifts.

Amy made cupcakes with pink lemon frosting (from scratch!) and a little flower on top. As far as I know, nobody found out the hard way that the flowers weren't edible.

Shannon using her nose to figure out which candy bar is melted in the diaper. Although it kinda looks like she's taking a taste...

My mom made Shannon a rug for baby Olivia's room. She said there are over 14,000 feet of fabric strips in the rug. If you want to know what regret is, ask my mom about that rug. Yes, it turned out beautifully, but I don't know that my mom's sure it was worth it. However, I know Shannon thinks it was.

Do you want to see Olivia's room? It's very girly and just beautiful.

The mobile and the name on the wall are DIY projects as is most of what you'll see. My mom made the bedding and the curtains.

Shannon and my mom refurbished the dresser and armoire, painting them and adding the hardware.

And check out Olivia's chandelier.

Does my mom need her own show on HGTV or what?

Baby Olivia's due right around Valentine's Day so we'll be meeting her very soon.


McMom said...

WOW -- that G'ma is amazing with her talents!!! She knows I share her pain on that rug having just completed my one and ONLY needlepoint stocking for a grandchild!!! McMom

Gma said...

Thank you for the compliments... they are much appreciated.

And for the record -- there will be no handmade rugs if/when Baby McMahan makes an appearance. And lest there be any doubt, nor will there be any needlepoint stockings for grandbabies made by G'ma! I learned my lesson BIG TIME!!!