Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just the beginning

I planted two shrubs and tore out some more plants near the mailbox and on the other side of the driveway by the cul-de-sac today. My mom will be up next weekend for our traditional weekend-long Mother's Day Planting Marathon so I wanted to be ready.

These new shrubs are called sky pencil hollies and now that I have them in place, I swear those two spots were just begging for them.

The one on the right's a tad fuller and a little taller. My plan is to wait until next weekend to trim it because it's been through enough in the past couple of days - first a ride in the bed of the Sport Track then a rehoming. I'm not sure it's up for a major haircut just yet.

See those urns by the front door? They're actually from our wedding. I spray-painted them a flat black and my plan is to put some Barbecue Rosemary in them. It's a plant that NCSU actually developed and I think it'd be neat to have it at the house.

Did you notice the lone liriope (little green plant on the right) in the first picture? I tore out all but two of those along the sidewalk. They all had grass growing through them and there was no way to get rid of the grass and keep the liriope. I think the McHusband and I are going to go in a different direction with that area anyway.

This next picture's for my mom. She and I fell in love with this delicate-looking white annual called Diamond Frost that we found at a local nursery. I paid waaaaay too much for one last summer and I was so happy to find it at another nursery for less than half as much. Needless to say, I stocked up.

The plants in front of the diamond frost are perennials called phlox and they're going to be purple. I think they're going to go in front of the sky pencil hollies, but we'll see what my mom and I come up with next weekend.


G'ma said...

I was hoping you would post the pics of the new shrubs! Lookin' good (think we need to ditch the green planter though -- maybe to life on the side or back yard).

Diamond Frost -- EVERY container garden needs some of this (ladies and gentlemen, if you've not tried you need to -- makes any container beautiful, just make sure you give it lots of sun) -- so glad you found and at a lesser price than what we found last year is a bonus!

Can't wait for "the marathon" - coffee, 1/2 and 1/2 and one of your famous lunch sandwiches, pineapple/chicken pizza for dinner and I'm good to go!

Any chance the McHusband can get us a few bags of potting soil BEFORE I arrive? Promise I'm bringing my "oh my gosh, am I done digging holes and hauling dirt yet arms" but every little bit of assistance helps!

Cya Thursday!

McMom said...

Don't forget to take your WINE G'ma.... or you can open the Kris I left there BD party weekend!! Happy Mother's Day...... McMom

McMpm said...

There is free lirope for the digging in my yard -- baby ones, not big hard to dig ones.... McMom