Saturday, January 2, 2010


We hung around the McInlaws' house all day Sunday before we headed back home. Some McCousins who recently moved to the area visited for a bit, then the McHusband and McDad headed outside to blow some leaves and then they spent the afternoon at the barn with the McDad's new toy.

Chase isn't quite big enough to help with the chores, but he was very interested in what his Uncle McHusband was doing.

What do you see out there, Chase? (Click on this picture to see it bigger; in this case, size does matter.)

I don't fancy myself a photographer, but I'm going to toot my horn. This next picture is GOOD!

Thank goodness for natural light and a restrained toddler distracted by something. If I were a Photoshopper, I'm sure I could do wonderful things to really make this picture great, but I'm not and as long as I don't know what it could potentially look like, I'm happy with it the way it is.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Kevin and Jenny left this morning so Grammie and I were watching Chase. Grammie and Papaw like to go to Cracker Barrel on Sundays for dinner so that's what our plan was for dinner that evening. Sure, I had a vague memory of Jenny saying they don't like to take Chase out to eat, but surely we four adults could handle one fifteen-month-old...

Sorry, I don't have a birth control story to tell. Chase was pretty darn good, just a little messy. But we'll take that over an unhappy toddler.

And here's how he got that way.

Hopefully the mastery of the spoon won't elude him much longer.


Gma said...

Whether luck or intentional, you sure got some great shots, Steph!

McMom said...

A TRUE Photoshopper would probably find a way to incorporate those 2 photos into one with the reflection between the two faces... AND get rid of Chase's yellow crusty nose that really showed up in my 8X10 of it!! The look of the 2 together was VERY interesting to me. You did a GREAT job on both... like your mom said, intentional or not!