Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Recap

Well, it was a pretty eventful weekend here in McMania.  It didn’t start out too exciting.  On Friday, after dinner at the Bass Lake Draft House and a stop at Walmart,  I baked cookies and I have to say – these are some of our favorites EVER.


They are made with a packet of butterscotch pudding and not one, not two, but THREE add-ins: white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and toffee pieces.


{Recipe here}

Saturday morning found the McHusband and me up at 7:15, him for boot camp and me for that 20-mile training run.  I finished my 18 miles two weeks before in 2 hours 45 minutes and did so without any stopping for walk breaks.  I was looking to finish the 20 miles in a little more than 3 hours.  Well, “a little more” turned into 35 minutes because I just wasn’t feeling great after the first 12 miles.  I got a side cramp that I couldn’t shake and my calves were burning.  I didn’t want to walk so early in the run because I knew it would be difficult to get my momentum back, but I just couldn’t power through.  I am hoping I get my mojo back in a few weeks when I tackle 22 miles.

When I finally got home, what do I find?


The McHusband didn’t get halfway through boot camp before twisting his ankle, resulting in a broken fifth metatarsal and sprained ankle.


He’ll see an orthopedist this week and we’ve got our fingers crossed that he gets to wear one of those walking boots because the crutches are for the birds.

I needed to ice my knees so I pulled up a couch seat next to my hobbled hubby.  Aren’t we the picture of good health?


That night, we had our neighbors’ Trailer Trash Bash.  I’ll show you guys more pictures but for now…


Sunday was a pretty normal day as far as the stuff that got done goes: laundry, car-washing, grass-mowing, and oil-changing.  What was different about the chores was how they got done.




When we finished the cars, I got the mower out of the shed and up to the driveway so the McHusband could take care of the front yard.


Thank goodness we have that riding mower so the McHusband can do his chores even with a bum leg.


Luckily the oil changing required the McHusband to do a lot of laying on the ground and sliding around so that was the one task that wasn’t too annoying to take on with only one and a half good legs.

I baked up another loaf of banana bread using my new favorite recipe.  Hmm, there’s a theme to the baking this weekend: both recipes use a packet of pudding in them.


{Recipe here}

I also whipped us up a delicious and healthy dinner: orange chicken, as the McHusband calls it, steamed cauliflower, and a quinoa-veggie blend inspired by Jen of Peanut Butter Runner.


I sauteed some onion and zucchini before adding the quinoa, black beans, chicken broth, and tomatoes, and I also seasoned it with some cumin, pepper, and minced garlic.


Wow, that was a long post for one weekend.  But like I said, it was an eventful two days or so. 

Hope everyone else had a less painful but just as fun weekend!


McMom said...

Is this the banana bread the one used for French toast? Looks yummy. McMom

Anonymous said...

Which came first...the chicken or the egg? I thought it was a broken met resulting in the twisted ankle? Either looked pretty painful!

McHusband said...

It's unknown for sure. I think the bone went first based on how I went down but can't be certain. I see an orthopedist today and he may have some insight. Doesn't really matter though, both ended poorly.