Thursday, June 13, 2013


No, I’m not giving up this blogging gig, although I do feel like I haven’t been on my game lately.  I’m trying to step that up and write real posts and not depend on the internet or a baked good to pull all the weight around here.

Last Friday, I hosted a special Women’s Night for the ladies of the ‘hood. 



See, Tawnya and Steve are abandoning us moving to Florida for Steve’s job so we needed one last Women’s Night with our favorite redhead in attendance.


I knew as soon as I started planning this party a few weeks back that I wanted it to have a Florida theme with the food and decorations.  I already knew about Key Lime Pie, but I really wasn’t sure what else screamed “Florida!”  Thanks to my pal Google, I found lots of yummy inspiration like avocados, oranges, grapefruit, hearts of palm (okay, maybe those aren’t so yummy by themselves…) and shrimp.


My neighbor Kara contributed the Wholly Guacamole,  and I baked some Gator Bites, a.k.a. Chicken Poppers, and thawed some shrimp. 


I made:

Orange Creamsicle Cookies


Bunko Punch

Hearts of Palm Dip (Awesome!  Will definitely make this again.)

Pool Cake

What, you’ve never heard of Pool Cake?  It’s a cake that’s decorated to look like a pool. 


Granted, mine looked better in my head, but it was still obvious what it was, and Tawnya loved it.  The reason for the cake is that she mentioned she’d have a pool AND pool boy in Florida (well, in a perfect world she would) so I staged the cake with some borrowed dolls, a diving board made from a lasagna noodle, and some pool noodles made Twizzlers.


That glass of wine?  It’s a wine bottle stopper.  As you may have noticed, my cake isn’t exactly done to scale, but I don’t think the guest of honor minded.


Also, I wasn’t really feeling the blue Jell-O as far as the flavor went, so I used white chocolate pudding and tinted it blue.  And the frosting?  It’s Cool Whip Frosting.  If you like Cool Whip, you’ll love the frosting.


The diehard partyers in our group, the last five standing, went up to the Aviator for a change of scenery around 12:30.  We got there just as the band was finishing up so we listened, chatted with some fellow patrons, and finally grabbed ourselves a table for the last bit of visiting.


We will really miss Steve and Tawnya in general as well as their parties and their contributions to our parties.  Remember Halloween and the Trailer Trash Bash?

Good luck in Florida!  And Tawnya, tell Emundo we all say hi. Winking smile

1 comment:

Gma said...

So stinkin' cute! Good luck to Tawnya and her hubby as they venture south... I will miss her parties!