Monday, October 17, 2011


I’m a lucky girl, you know that?  I’m happy and healthy, I’ve got a fantastic family, fabulous friends, one marvelous McHusband, and then there’s my affinity for alliteration.  Yep, I’ve got a lot going for me (particularly that last thing).  If I can just finish my upcoming half-marathon in less than 1 hour and 45 minutes, life will be awesome.

I’m home this Saturday night writing a quick blog post for Monday.  I’ve got a from-scratch mudslide in one hand (okay, on the side table – I’m not into one-handed typing), my computer on my lap, and Grey’s on the TV.


What do you have to look forward to this week?  (And by writing this, what deadline am I setting for myself?)

Kim got married!


And Owen celebrated being three.


Life is good!!!

1 comment:

McMom said...

Can't ask for much more than that!!! Makes me Happy! McMom