Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Saddest. Thing. Ever.

Remember Morgan's stubbed toe? Well, Tucker, being his usual graceful self, stepped on her foot last night. She yelped in pain, snapped at Tucker, then limped around for a bit. We decided it was time for her to see the vet.

$187 later, we had a diagnosis, two drugs, medicated wipes, and a dreaded e-collar. I'm pretty sure this thing picks up radio stations in Georgia and our TV's getting amazing reception.

You guys know that the size of the e-collar corresponds to the size of the dog, right? This thing barely fits through the doorways.

I wish I'd been home when Morgan and the McHusband got home from the vet. Apparently, Tucker was afraid of Morgan and her, um, new accessory.

All this for a stubbed toe? Here's what we're dealing with.

Surprisingly enough, it's not that really crooked nail that's the problem, it's the one next to it with the discolored fur.

The discoloration is due to saliva staining from Morgan licking the area.



McMom said...

Poor Morgie --- I don't mean to blame Tuck, but I would imagine that is how the toe got hurt in the first place.... having him jump on your toe/foot while playing probably would cause some lasting pain......Just think of your bruised "thigh" when Bailey snapped at you. Poor Morgie....McGrammie sends her best.

Gma said...

That's one heck of a necklace - hmmm, could use a session with a Bedazzler gun though.

She looks so pathetic!