Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Recipe Recap: Red Curry Shrimp

As promised, I decided to make a Thai recipe for dinner this past weekend.  I found this one on The Sweets Life, one of the blogs I read.

I think my Lean Cuisine gave me too high of expectations.  I mean, this was good and all, but it wasn’t as yummy as my favorite frozen-then-nuked lunch.  What I like about the LC is that the food is coated in the delicious sauce, which is thick.

My sauce was watery and made our meal soupy, which wasn’t very appetizing to look at (and my bad photography isn’t helping matters).


I’m not exactly selling this recipe, am I?  We did like it, I just wanted it to blow us out of the water and it didn’t.

I made quinoa to go with our shrimp and green beans so that’s what you see under the meat and veggies.


You got through dinner, I guess that means you get dessert.  But you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

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