Monday, December 12, 2011


re pent \ri-‘pent\: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life

Now let me use the word in a sentence:

“I went to spinning Sunday afternoon to repent for eating and drinking too much during an impromptu game night at Shawn and Vanessa’s Saturday night.”


What is it about party foods that are so irresistible?  Why do I find my hand dunking yet one more chip into that Mexican layered dip when my stomach is already 10 chips-with-dip past full?

Thank goodness I have my Y membership and My Fitness Pal to keep me on track outside the holiday parties.  I’m starting off the week right: healthy breakfast, small lunch, spinning, and we’re eating grilled chicken and Cajun roasted sweet potatoes for dinner.

Just three more weekends this holiday season to get through…

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