Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas came early…

Can you guess what the McHusband and I got for Christmas?


We got a Nikon D3100.

I was busy  Friday night Christmas-izing the house for the neighborhood holiday soiree we had at our house on Saturday.  The McHusband came downstairs with a wrapped box and he said, “You might want this for this weekend.”  I thought it was something party- or decoration-related.  We’d talked about getting a camera but as far as I knew, the McHusband was still doing research.  Little did I know he’d researched, ordered, and received the camera.

I played with the camera today, taking not-great pictures of whatever held still long enough for me to press the button – and even those things that didn’t.





I can’t wait to figure the camera out and see what a little knowledge and a fancy piece of equipment can do.  Luckily, the McHusband has some experience with this camera through work so we’re not the blind leading the blind.

I guess that makes the McHusband my seeing eye dog. :)


McMom said...

NICE!!! You a camera, Jenny an iPad and me a MOTORHOME!! Aren't we lucky girls!! I know you are going to have fun with that!! The pictures Ryan got of the dog were amazing!!!McMom

Jenny said...

So excited for you! Have fun with it, I knowi am enjoying my iPad!