Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving in PA: Thursday

{Disclaimer: If you aren’t in one of these pictures, related to someone in one of these pictures, or there but not actually in one of these pictures, you might not be that interested in this post.  Just sayin’…}

The McHusband and I traveled to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving.  Bri, Nate, their girls, and Shannon and her kids also made the trip.  We were there in 2009 with Bri, Nate, and Lyla, but this was Shannon’s first time back up there in six years.

Growing up, it was tradition for us to drive to PA for Thanksgiving so it felt good to get back up there, especially since the weather was so very un-Pennsylvania-y.  It’s normally cold and we at least see flurries if not real snow like when we were a couple years ago.  This time, though, it was 50 to 60 degrees and sunny the whole time.

We had our first Thanksgiving meal (Yes, there was more than one and they bookended a pizza night; I was in heaven.) on Thursday at my Uncle Ralph’s house.

From left to right:  Greg (Santana’s boyfriend), Santana, and Cody.  Santana and Cody are my cousins.


Just like at my house, there really weren’t any toys so sometimes the kids have to make their own fun, and I mean really, what’s more fun than a pink flyswatter?


Do you ever get the feeling that someone’s watching?


I guess Olivia didn’t mind.


I’m not sure who had the most fun playing the “I’m behind the chair, see if you can get me” game: Uncle Ralph, Lyla, or spectator Owen.



Lyla’s a pretty picky eater so when she said she wanted some of Lynn’s pumpkin roll, Bri let her try it.  Much to our surprise, Lyla loved the pumpkin roll and ate a whole slice!


Thanksgiving Number One at Lynn and Ralph’s was really nice, and we greatly appreciated them up their house and going to so much trouble to make a full Thanksgiving meal for our crowd.

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