Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas 2011: Christmas Night

I know, I know – the decorations are down, it’s the New Year, we’re ready to move on already.  I apologize for my tardiness.  Hopefully a “better late than never” philosophy applies so just bear with me.

I went for a six-mile run between seeing We Bought a Zoo with my mom and dinner so I finally got around to showering at about 5:30.  While I was getting ready in the bathroom that’s between the McHusband’s room and the playroom, I was checking in with the McHusband and Chase.  The former was squeezing in a few reps while the latter was riding the horse.



I love this video of Chase explaining why he’s wearing his hat.

For safety!

After dinner, the McMom needed a flashlight to check something in the TV cabinet.  Tucker sorta has a thing for flashlights so he immediately zeroed in on the beam and proceeded to be oh-so-helpful.


Too soon, Christmas was ending for the little ones.  They got baths…


…and a story.



Once they were off to bed, we broke out dessert.  The McMom made this very impressive Layered Peppermint Cheesecake that she and I had seen in my Southern Living magazine when they visited in November.



You couldn’t cut a PIECE of cake – they were slabs!


With full stomachs and cups, we headed toward the couch.

First there was one…


Then two…


Then three!


As everyone settled down in the den, Morgan found a comfy spot in the too-small-for-her dog bed.


That left the other dog bed for Tucker and the McHusband to share.


I don’t think we were up much past when this photo was taken.  Everyone was tired from an exciting day of opening presents and visiting with family, and the sugar highs were wearing off (and maybe a couple of those holiday beverages were catching up to us).

Next up: the McHusband’s birthday.

1 comment:

Mcmom said...

Well, yes the excitement is over but the memory of it all is great! Thanks for sharing it ---- all but that butt shot! McMom