Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Turkey x 2

A group of us went bowling after dinner this past Saturday.


Vickie and I are the only ones missing from that cellphone pic.

I didn’t bowl particularly well, but I broke 100 in each game, which is my minimum goal.  At least 120 is the score I really like to get.


I should’ve said I didn’t bowl particularly well until the very end of each game.

In the 10th frame of the first game, I bowled two strikes in a row, which gave me one more roll.  Which apparently I was on because I bowled ANOTHER strike!



But even a turkey couldn’t save me in this game.  Heather, who said she wasn’t a very good bowler before we started, beat us all.

We had time to play a second game, which started out pretty much the same way the first game did so I figured I’d gotten all my strikes out of the way with that turkey.  Turns out, I’m just a creature of habit.


Not too shabby a score, huh?  According to the McHusband, only Jeremy had a higher score the whole night.


I’m pretty sure I’ve never gotten more than two strikes in a row ever, much less done so TWICE during the same outing so I was pretty proud of myself.  As my dad reminded me, strikes are in my DNA as two of my uncles have bowled perfect 300’s.  Kinda puts my two turkeys to shame, huh?

We all had a lot of fun, and I’m pretty sure we’ll be bowling again sooner than later.

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