Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family Reunion Part I

We were in Tennessee last weekend for a family reunion for the McHusband's family. The McInlaws were all there, as were as an aunt and uncle from Texas and some of the South Carolina people made it as well. It was great to see everyone and it was a lovely visit.

We - Kevin, Jenny, and Chase and us - stayed in a nearby hotel. It had an indoor pool so we checked that out Saturday morning before heading over to the house where the reunion was. Chase seems to love the water.

Jenny took advantage of the guys doing the pool thing to slip away into the hot tub. See her back in the corner?

"Hi, Jenny!" ::waving::

And where was Aunt Stephie? She's relaxing poolside in her jeans, holding the camera to ensure that Uncle McHusband doesn't pull her in.

The house where the reunion was sits on 12 acres along a river. But the river was very calm where we were, definitely more like a lake.

This is the RV garage/workshop/apartment. The middle is big enough to let the RV drive in and there are doors at both ends so you just drive in one side when you get back from a trip and out the other when you're ready to head out on the next. There's a workshop to the left of the middle and there's a garage and more storage to the right. Above the RV-sized garage door and behind those trees is the apartment.

This is my car parked at the RV garage. I had asked the McHusband if he'd walk around and take some pictures of the property.

Apparently he thought we needed a picture of my car attending the reunion.

This is the house from the RV garage.

And THIS is their backyard.

So's this...

And this...

This is more of the front yard than the back.

I guess all that scenery and beauty and the wonderful view is nice if you're, you know, into that kind of stuff.

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