Thursday, July 23, 2009


On Wednesdays, I go straight to the Y from work so I can take the 6:15 spinning class. Of course, I'm there waaaaaaaay before class starts so I do about 30 minutes of cardio beforehand. Last night, I was on the elliptical machine for 20 minutes, then I ran around the indoor track for about 10 minutes, then it was finally time to head downstairs to my class.

The class was actually pretty full, and I saw a few familiar faces. Apparently my face was familiar to at least one other person, but I'll get to that in a minute.

I'm a sweater. I don't glow or glisten in a ladylike fashion, I SWEAT. It's so bad that I take a second t-shirt to change into after my workouts because the one I wear during exercise ends up totally soaked. You can imagine what my shirt looked like last night after 30 minutes of cardio and an hour-long spinning class.

Or maybe you shouldn't try to imagine that, it's not a pretty picture.

After class, I changed into my dry t-shirt. As I walked out of the lockerroom, a lady - one of those familiar faces - from class stopped me and said, "I noticed you in class. Spinning's really working for you."

"Oh, thank you!" I said. "Spinning's such a great workout and I've been trying to make it to class each Wednesday, and I've been doing some running so..."

She said, "Well, I just wanted you to know that I noticed and you look good."

Well, you know it just made my day that a stranger felt compelled to comment on the change she'd seen. My spirits were hardly even dampened by the torrential downpour I had to run through to get to my car.

When I got home, I had the McHusband take a picture of me so everyone can see just how great I look following a workout. Oh, and the rain I ran through? That's not what you're seeing on my shirt and pants.

Yes, that's my DRY t-shirt. If you're brave enough, you can click on the picture and make it bigger to see the sweat on my pants. Sexy, I know.

Hmmm, I'm thinking I look more like a drowned rat than a gym rat.


McMom said...

YUCK --- you are a MESS!!! I thought you were going to tell us something happened to make you realize the "lady" was a Lesbian who was actually hitting on you!!! McMom

Anonymous said...

Way to go Steph! Keep up the good work! - Anna