Tuesday, February 19, 2013

{Recipe Recap} Maraschino Cherry White Chocolate Chip Cookies

I knew the McMom liked the cherry-almond combination so I chose these cookies as one of her birthday treats.  Not only did the flavor suit my needs, but  I appreciated Averie’s explanation of why she chose cake flour and its effect on how the cookies should turn out so I wanted to see that for myself.


The McHusband said these were the best cookies I’ve ever made.  I will have to beg to differ.  However, I did really like their texture – they were thick and chewy.


And how pretty are they with with the cherries?


The recipe calls for 1.5 teaspoons of vanilla.  I went with 1 teaspoon of vanilla and half a teaspoon of almond extract, a very smart adaptation if I do say so myself.


The McHusband wants me to make these again but with even more cherries.  I think I can probably make that happen.


{Recipe here}

1 comment:

McMom said...

Thanks so much for adding the almond....this MCMom enjoyed them very much!