Friday, October 25, 2013

Five random things

1. I made my Halloween costume yesterday.  That’s right, I channeled my inner Martha and MADE my costume.  My mom doesn’t need to worry that I’m going to be taking over her sewing machine or anything, but it’s nice to know I can put some fabric and elastic together myself.

2. I made a new banana bread/cake recipe on Thursday, and it was a winner.  Thank goodness the McHusband and I and our officemates like bananas and stuff made with bananas so much because that’s what I make more than anything else.

3. I took my usual muscle conditioning class last night and at the end, one lady said, “Your stomach makes me so nervous.”  If she’s worried about me doing bicep curls and lunges, she should see me doing boot camp.

4. Yesterday the McMom sent me an email with a link to a Snickerdoodle Cheesecake from the new issue of BHG.  She suggested I make it for Thanksgiving.  Well, great palates drool alike because I’d torn the page with the recipe on it out of my magazine Wednesday night to ensure I’d make it.  I’m happy now to have a reason to whip it up.

5. I work near the fairgrounds in Raleigh and today’s the last weekday for the NC State Fair.  I dread this time of year every time it rolls around because it makes traffic such a mess near my office.  I just have to get through today and life will go back to normal.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!


Sara said...

#3 made me giggle. :-)

McMom said...

Do you actually HAVE a sewing machine? I am impressed! McMom